- Always wear safety goggles
- Be alert during lab in order to prevent injuries
- Always follow instructions.
- Ask your teacher to begin before touching materials
- Never directly smell chemicals, instead waft (using your hand, fan the scent towards your nose)
According to our TEKS, students must show safe practices and understand the use of safety materials. In this activity, students will receive a clue and they must figure out what safety word is being used. This game, Science Vocabulary Hangman, gives the students a safety clue and they must figure out the word. This will be good practice in learning the rules and safety procedures of our lab.
Another useful game for your child is the Lab Safety Symbols Activities. This link includes a matching game, where you match the Lab Safety Symbol Description to what the symbol means; Flash cards to learn the symbols; Concentration: where the students are flipping over two cards and trying to find which two go together. They must remember where the card is located. The last game in this link is a word search. They give you the clue, and you need to find the lab safety symbol in the word search.
The last activity you can work on with your child, which is such a blast, is Battleship. Once you locate a ship, a question will pop up about lab safety. In order to hit the ship, you must answer the question correctly.
I hope you all enjoy these websites. They are all valuable tools for learning about lab safety in the classroom!
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